ghis jaana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. But the sandstone pavers wear rounding the edges and remain slippery: it prefers granite, rougher and easier to carve 2. Duplication is to make replicas of printing forms or to replace those who succumb to wear or to simultaneously fit multiple presses 3. Economic difficulties and wear sixteen years of unchallenged power gradually tarnish the prestige of the old leader 4. Faster than flat presses, these presses have not overcome the intrinsic defect that further lithographic process, namely rapid wear of printing plates without relief or hollow in the paper 5. For earlier periods, our information is often limited to the pictorial documentation since by nature the objects in question are used, wear out and perish

Given are the examples of hindi word ghis jaana usage in english sentences. The examples of ghis jaana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., corrade, wear away, scuff, wear, wear (sth) down, rub down, wear (sth) away, abrase.

Always wear khadi clothes.तुम हमेशा खादी वस्त्र पहनो|

They wear heavy robes as protection against dust storms and hot winds.
The clothes people wear are shaped by the rules and norms of societies.
For example, one cannot force a widowed woman to shave head or wear white clothes.
It is this latter manifestation of stress that causes our body's wear and tear.
I would love, just once in my life, to rise from a dinner table without looking as if I have just experienced an extremely localised seismic event, get in a car and close the door without leaving 14 inches of coat outside, wear light-coloured trousers without discovering at the end of the day that I have at various times sat on chewing gum, ice cream, cough syrup and motor oil.
Another aspect of wear and tear is the physical deterioration.
Every asset is bound to undergo some wear and tear, and hence lose value, once it is put to use in business.
The Scottish Highlanders were forbidden to speak their Gaelic language or wear their national dress, and large numbers were forcibly driven out of their homeland.
I've only got to wear specs and I'll be enough like you to get away with it.
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